Unsettled Journeys

t is a time of harrowing journeys. Across the globe, some 60 million people - the largest migration ever recorded - are risking their lives to escape wars, ethnic conflicts and gang violence. Baltimore Sun education reporter Liz Bowie and photographer Amy Davis delved into what happens next, when teenage immigrants reach the United States and face a new passage: trying to make a life here. Bowie and Davis spent eight months following teens from East Baltimore's Patterson High School, where immigrants make up one-third of the student body.

Many of these teens are carrying psychic wounds from their pasts. Others, from Central America, live in a legal limbo, endure family heartbreak and struggle to focus on school, while having to work. Some have little schooling and have spent years in refugee camps. Yet now, at Patterson, these teenagers must learn English and tackle academic work on an unforgiving timeline. Many will falter. Some will show remarkable resilience.

Follow their journeys.

In the series